~~~~ ~~~~
to Play
think most people appreciate having their hand
held for the first few moments in a new
environment. So let's just walk through the first
little bit together...
of Souls is a Role Playing Game
(RPG) which means you will be creating a
character and working hard to raise its level
until finally it is a mighty force with which to
be reckoned. Along the way you will have quests
to solve and monsters to defeat. If you choose to
take advantage of the multiplayer aspects of the
game (instead of just playing "solo"
which you are welcome to do), you will also find
friends and foes battling alongside you.

you start the game, you will be faced with
several decisions:
- Where to play
(solo, over the Internet, etc.). Most
people play solo until they learn the
user interface and then play over the
Internet (using Public MIX Servers) for
the rest of their lives. Any character
you create can play solo or online.
- What world to play.
When you first get the game you will only
have one world -- Evergreen,
to play in. But players much like
yourself have created additional worlds
which you can download and enjoy. You
might find that you'd enjoy making a
world of your own, whether you choose to
publish it or not!
- What character to
play. You can have as
many characters in each world as you
like, but since this is your first time,
you will be creating a new character
instead of restoring an old one.
much any time you like, you can press the F1 key to bring
up the built-in help file. Also, if you choose QUICKSTART
INSTRUCTIONS from the game's HELP menu,
you'll get a quick overview of how the interface
works. It's probably a bit different from what
you may be used to, but it is actually quite
a New Character
close attention to the row of buttons along the
very bottom of the screen. When you point to
them, they may tell you more about what they do.
a boid!"
first button you will probably push is the
egg-shaped "new character"
button. Pressing this brings up a dialog where
you get to design your character. You give it a
name, a "character class" (wizard,
warrior, etc. Classes vary with the world you
play in).
choose whether or not you wish to follow the path
of PK (Player Killing is both
popular and irritating. You can choose to opt out
of the whole thing and be invulnerable to other
never PK"
you will assign your character's starting stats
by assigning "ability points." For now,
just assign these at random. You will earn more
ability points when you level up.
"Choose Wisely" 
you will pick your character's "skin"
(it's visual appearance as seen by other
players). You can actually draw your own skin file (if you
have artistic talent - or even if you don't), and
it can be shared with other players
you change your mind later, you can change your
skin by using the "Book of
Skins" (in the BOOKS menu)
while in solo mode.
pwn u!"
the time has come to leave the Well and enter the
world by 'incarnating' into your physical body.
Press the INCARNATE button
on the far right to do this.
you enter the world, the bottom row of buttons
will change to something more appropriate to the
meaty. Note you can ALSO customize the game by
changing the 'user interface theme' (so if
you can draw prettier buttons than me, go for
it!) Several member-created worlds come with
attractive themes.

and Fighting
will find yourself on the map. Clicking on a spot
on the map will make you walk to that location.
But beware, you are still weak and there are
monsters nearby (albeit, rather weak ones, as
monsters go). The display has two major modes: MAP (aerial
view of you walking around) and SCENE
(perspective view of you in a small area
interacting with monsters and other players).
Fighting always takes place in a scene.
*will* get sucked into fights, of course, as that
is the nature of the game. Once in a fight, the
thing to remember is that you may attack with a
Weapon, a Spell, or an Item.
bottom right three buttons select the EQUIP, SPELL, and ITEM screens.
Whichever screen is visible determines your
attack. So:
- Click the EQUIP
button and then click on a monster to
attack it with your current equipment.
- Click the SPELL
button, select a spell, then click on a
monster to cast that spell upon it. You
will, of course, need to learn some
spells first.
- Click the ITEMS
button, select an item, then click on
yourself to consume that item (a cheese
sandwich might restore your hit points,
for example)

special cursor will appear, and will 'smoke' when
you can hit the monster. You'll get the hang of
this quickly, but first you will probably die.
let's learn how to get brought back to life.
you first walked out onto the map, you will see
you were close to a 'link-point' called the Gateway
of Dreams. (Other
worlds will have different locations to
serve this purpose)
"I got better!" "an
on it to walk into it (dropping into a scene).
Once inside, you will meet a religious sort of
fellow. He will resurrect you for free (put life
back into your physical body). Note that your
soul remains in your physical body, even when
dead -- Well of Souls comes with its own
metaphysics :-)
if you are not completely dead, this
fellow is still useful as he will fully restore
your health points (HP) and
magic points (MP). For
first time you meet him, he will require your vow
to follow the Golden Rule -- or he will refuse to
help you later. This is my sneaky way of getting
you to acknowledge the terms of service for each
character you create. Just type
YES in the chat window, and press ENTER.

and Equipping
while in his presence you will notice a special
'shop' button appear. Press this to see what
items he has for sale.
buying items and finding things after battle,
your EQUIP screen will pick up a long list of
items. If you see a GREEN PLUS next to
an item, it means that you would be stronger if
you were to EQUIP that item. To do that, RIGHT-click
on the name of the item in the EQUIP list, and
select 'equip it'
same RIGHT-click menu will have other options
when you are near a shopkeeper (for example, the
ability to SELL an unequipped item).
RED PLUS next to
an item means it *would* make you stronger, but
you are not yet able to equip it (probably your
level is not yet high enough - go kill some more
finally, a RED X next to an item means it
is useless to your character's class and you
might as well sell it, since the gold you'll get
is worth more to you.
that you pretty much start the game in your
underwear, so it is highly advised to equip the
very best items you can (as your character levels
up, it will have access to better items). You
equip different parts of your body separately, so
you can mix and match your equipment as you see
fit. Different bits of equipment boost your ATTACK and DEFENSE points
by varying degrees.
On Your Way!
pretty much the whole game in a nutshell... Fight,
gain levels, get killed, get healed, put on
better equipment, repeat. Be sure to
check out the quickstart instructions for the
details on casting spells, using items on
yourself, catching and taming pets, and the
thousands of other little details about the game.
Soul, your destiny awaits you!
you have a simple question, you might find the
answer in the WoS FAQ. Inside
the game itself is a help file (press F1) and
even a QuickStart Instructions guide which will
pop open automatically the first few times you
play. You an also check out the Network Troubleshooter for help
with firewalls and routers.
game has many, many features, from the useful
customizable chat muting based on automatically
determined language rating (G to XXX) to the
silly drunken 1337 shakespearean filter. Explore
the right-click and top-of-screen menus and share
your findings with your friends.
when you're ready to create a world of your own,
check out the WoS
Developer Pages. While in the game,
click on Check On Line For New
Worlds to get a list of
available worlds created by other players.
~~~~ "Thank
you for playing Well of Souls"
free to send in screen shots of your own!

Go Public "share
the love"
Well of Souls includes a
copy of the latest MIX Game Server.
If you have a well-connected PC, you
might consider running a Public Server so
anyone with Well of Souls will see it as
an available place to play. Your copy of
MIX is just a checkbox away from going
public. (And you can take it private
again, just as easily)